
Instagram Competitions

Our Instagram competitions are back for 2025!



All finalists will receive a certificate. Winners will receive a certificate, a trophy and a prize donated by Schwarzkopf (hairdressing categories) and Barber Brands (barbering categories)


Competition Categories

Under 4 years in the industry (Next Generation) – #2025hbnzinstacompsng

A competitor who has been employed within the hair industry for less than four (4) years as of the 31st October 2025, including any full-time pre-trade course, or a fully contracted apprentice.

Over 4 years in the industry (Senior) – #2025hbnzinstacomps

A competitor who has been employed in the hair industry for four (4) years or more, including any full-time pre-trade training courses as at the 31st October 2025.

Instagram Competitions

February | Competition 1
Hairdressers – Long Hair

March | Competition 2
Barbers – Creative

April | Competition 3
Hairdressers – Before & After

May | Competition 4
Barbers – Before & After

June | Competition 5
Hairdressers – Colour

July | Competition 6
Barbers – Beard Work


General Rules

Please note: the specific criteria of each competition will posted on Instagram on the 1st of the month

  1. All entries must tag the correct hashtag to be counted as an entry. (#2025hbnzinstacompsng – Under 4 years in the industry (Next Generation) or #2025hbnzinstacomps for over 4 years in the industry (Senior))
  2. TWO images on ONE tile for all entries.
  3. These competitions are free to enter for H&BNZ members, who are welcome to enter up to 5 entries per competition.
  4. An entry fee of $20 per entry applies for non members, and payment must be received by the end of the month the competition closes. All non-members MUST complete an entry form. Up to 5 entries per competition are allowed.
  5. Make sure the name and salon/barbershop of the person entering is clearly stated but no writing or branding is allowed on the tile.
  6. H&BNZ Judges are not eligible to compete in these events but can enter and are encouraged to enter, the New Zealand Hair Awards.
  7. H&BNZ trusts entrants to be honest about their experience level. Any entries found not to meet the rules will be disqualified.
  8. H&BNZ trusts entries to be the work of that entrant for the competition they’re entering. Any entries found not to meet the rules will be disqualified.
  9. H&BNZ Instagram Competitions are designed to showcase the work that is done in salon/barbershop (or on location for weddings/events), and NOT a professional photoshoot.
  10. Professional photoshoots are NOT permitted.
  11. A competitor may not use their own hair to create an entry.
  12. Clients under the age of 16 must provide a consent release form (click here for form) signed by a parent or guardian. This is for you to keep and H&BNZ may call for it at any time.
  13. Barbers and hairdressers are eligible to enter any event, as long as their work matches the criteria of the category.
  14. Entries open on 1st day of each month, and close 11:59pm on the last day of the month.
  15. By entering, you, your client, and any associates consent to the use of your image by H&BNZ.
  16. The official placing in all competitions shall be final.
  17. Instagram accounts used to post entries must not be on private.
  18. Any competitor with any complaint or query is to contact the H&BNZ office immediately at:
  19. Photos must be taken on a mobile device, with no filters applied to the hair or background, as the judges need to see that the work is completed in the workplace
  20. Photos may not have any enhancements.

If you are unsure of any of the rules, please email

This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

Queries or Recommendations

H&BNZ will answer any queries and consider any recommendations from any interested party if presented in writing to:


    All finalists will receive a certificate and the winners will receive a certificate, a trophy and a prize donated by Schwarzkopf (hairdressing categories (and Barber Brands (barbering categories).

    All non-members MUST complete an entry form.

  • $ 0
  • Good Luck 🙂
